Rogov psychology. Rogov. Handbook for a practical psychologist. E. I. Rogov Handbook for a practical psychologist in education


Fairytale therapy emerged as an independent direction practical psychology. Fairy tales surround us everywhere... communication. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002. Rogov E.I. Tabletop book practical psychologist: educational allowance. – M.: Education, 2004. Training on...

  • Educational and methodological complex for students of the department of correspondence education of the specialty

    Training and metodology complex

    ... (department psychology) Maklakov A.G. General psychology. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - 592 p. Rogov E.I. Tabletop book practical psychologist: Textbook. allowance. In... to the institute's property (inventory, educational benefits, books etc.); students are prohibited...

  • The manual contains a theoretical substantiation of the nature of the teacher's image, its characteristics and types, provides tools for the formation of the teacher's pedagogical image and psychological methods for studying it.


    ... allowance. St. Petersburg, 1999. Rean AA. Practical psychodiagnostics of personality: Proc. allowance. St. Petersburg, 2001. Rogov E.I. Tabletop book practical psychologist: Textbook. a result of working with the textbook and educational allowance, as well as to master the technique...

  • A textbook for university students in 2 parts, part 1


    N.N. Pedagogy: Educational allowance\RHTU named after. D.I. Mendeleev. – M., 2005. - p. Educational allowance for university students... 1.1. PZ 2.1. PZ 2.2. PZ 3.1. Literature Rogov E.I. Tabletop book practical psychologist in education. M., 1995. Friedman L.M., Pushkin...

  • The textbook has been updated: the technology of the main areas of work of a practical psychologist; methods of work of a psychologist with children of different ages; PS technology


    Ed. I.V. Dubrovina. - M., 1995. 7. Rogov E.I. Tabletop book practical psychologist in education. - M., 1995. 8. ... qualifications, creation educational benefits etc. 2.3. Practical direction is provided psychologists education systems...

  • General psychology: Course of lectures for the first stage O-28

    pedagogical education / Comp. E.I. Rogov. + M.: Foggy,

    ed. VLADOS center, 1998. + 448 p.

    ISBN 5-691-00143-4.

    The book, in an accessible form, introduces the reader to the most important

    psychological processes and phenomena. She represents

    is the result of long-term cooperation between Ro-

    Stovsky Pedagogical University and Remontnensky district department

    education, where for several years this course was taught from

    with the aim of increasing the psychological literacy of various

    teaching teams. Only thanks to the efforts of the manager

    of the district education department G.M. Nesterenko's work

    came to its logical conclusion: the lectures acquired

    materialized form and can be used by anyone

    shim. The rotaprint version of the lectures was successfully approved.

    bation in teacher classes of schools, in pedagogical colleges, in the first

    courses at pedagogical universities and therefore fully justify their

    wide purpose.

    For everyone who, by the nature of their activities, must be able to

    treat people correctly.

    Lecture 1 SUBJECT AND


    For centuries, man has been the subject of study

    many, many generations of scientists. Humanity will know its own

    natural history, origin, biological nature,

    languages ​​and customs, and in this knowledge psychology belongs

    a very special place. Another ancient sage said no

    for a person, an object is more interesting than another person, and he does not

    wrong. The development of psychology is based on constantly strengthening

    a growing interest in the nature of human existence, the conditions

    its development and formation in human society, especially

    the benefits of his interaction with other people. Currently

    time it is impossible to carry out many activities

    in production, science, medicine, art, teaching,

    in games and sports without knowledge and understanding of psychological laws

    numbers. The system of scientific knowledge about the laws of human development

    human being, his potential capabilities is necessary for everything

    social development. However, man is an object of comm-

    complex research using various sciences, each

    which has its own specific range of problems. When researching

    the influence of social processes by the humanities

    There is no need to take into account psychological factors.

    But each science differs from the other in its own characteristics.

    subject. More S.L. Rubinshtein in the book vFundamentals of General

    psychology¬ (1940) wrote: “A specific range of phenomena,

    which studies psychology, stands out clearly and clearly +

    these are our perceptions, feelings, thoughts, aspirations,

    intentions, desires, etc., + i.e. everything that makes up

    the inner content of our life and what is the quality

    experiences seem to be given directly to us...¬. First

    characteristic feature of the psyche + belonging

    the individual's own immediate experiences +

    manifests itself only in direct sensation and in no way

    cannot be purchased in any other way. Not from any description

    no matter how bright and colorful it is,

    Subject and tasks of psychology

    General problems of psychology

    the blind does not know the beauty of the world, but the deaf + musical,

    the quality of its sounds without their direct perception: no

    a psychological treatise will not replace a person who is not himself

    who has experienced love, the whole gamut of this feeling, does not convey the

    healing the struggle and joy of creativity, in a word, everything that a person

    Only he can survive it himself.

    The difficulty of identifying the features of psychology as a science

    is that they have long been recognized by the human mind

    as out of the ordinary phenomena. Absolutely obvious,

    that the perception of any real object is fundamentally different

    depends on the subject itself. As an example we can name

    deeply rooted ideas about the soul as a special being

    a society separate from the body. Even primitive man knew that

    people and animals die that a person dreams. In this regard, and

    the belief arose that a person consists of two parts:

    tangible, i.e. body, and intangible, i.e. souls; while man

    alive, his soul is in the body, and when it leaves the body +

    the person dies. When a person sleeps, the soul leaves the body for

    time and is transferred to some other place. Thus,

    long before mental processes, properties, states

    became the subject of scientific analysis, everyday

    psychological knowledge of people about each other.

    A certain idea of ​​the psyche gives a person and his

    personal life experience. Everyday psychological information,

    drawn from public and personal experience, form

    pre-scientific psychological knowledge, conditioned by the necessary

    the need to understand another person in the process of sharing

    work, life together, respond correctly to his actions

    and actions. This rather extensive knowledge can help

    to help guide the behavior of people around them, they can

    be correct. But in general they lack systematicity,

    depth, evidence, we assimilate them not only thanks to

    own experience, but also from fiction,

    proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, legends, parables. It is in them that

    contains the origins of almost all psychological theories and branches

    modern psychology.

    What is psychology as a science? What is included

    into the subject of her scientific knowledge? The answer to this question is not so simple,

    as it seems at first glance. To answer it,

    it is necessary to turn to the history of psychological science, to the

    dew about how at each stage of its development the

    there was no idea about the subject of scientific knowledge in psychology.

    Psychology is both a very old and very young science. Having you-

    millennia past, it is nevertheless still entirely in the future. Her

    existence as an independent scientific discipline is barely

    dates back a century, but the main issue is occupied by the

    losophical thought since philosophy has existed.

    Famous psychologist of the late 19th + early 20th centuries. G. Ebbinga-uz

    managed to speak about psychology very briefly and accurately * - in psychology

    huge backstory and very short history. Under

    history refers to that period in the study of the psyche that

    was marked by a departure from philosophy, a rapprochement with nature

    natural sciences and organization of their own experimental

    tal method. This happened in the last quarter of the 19th century,

    however, the origins of psychology are lost in the mists of time.

    The very name of the item is translated from ancient Greek

    means that psychology + the science of the soul (psyche + soul¬,

    logos + vscience). According to a very common belief

    restoration, the first psychological views are associated with the restoration

    ligious ideas. In reality, how

    the true history of science testifies, already the early pre-

    the ideas of the ancient Greek philosophers arise in the process

    practical knowledge of man in close connection with na-

    accumulation of first knowledge and develop in the struggle of incipient

    emerging scientific thought against religion with its mythological

    ideas about the world in general, about the soul + in particular.

    The study and explanation of the soul is the first stage in

    the formation of the subject of psychology. So, for the first time psychology

    defined as the science of the soul. But to answer the question what

    such a soul turned out to be not so simple. In different historical

    era, scientists put different meanings into this word.

    Formation and development of scientific views on essence

    psyche has always been associated with the solution of the main issue

    philosophy + relationship between matter and consciousness, material

    and spiritual substance.

    It was around the solution of this issue that two dialogues arose.

    fundamentally opposite philosophical directions: ideals

    listic and materialistic. Representatives of idealism

    ical philosophy considered the psyche as something primary,

    existing independently, independently of matter. Ma-

    The terialist understanding of the psyche is expressed in the fact that

    the psyche is considered as a secondary phenomenon, derived from

    Representatives of idealistic philosophy recognize the existence

    the creation of a special spiritual principle, independent of mathematics

    ries, they consider mental activity as a manifestation

    the formation of the material, incorporeal and immortal soul. And all

    material things and processes are interpreted only as our sensations

    ideas and ideas, or as some mysterious discovery

    the weapon of some “absolute spirit”, “world will”, “idea”.

    General problems of psychology

    Subject and tasks of psychology

    Idealism arose when people, without the right preconceptions,

    ideas about the structure and functions of the body, they thought that mental

    supernatural phenomena represent the activity of a special, super-

    natural being + soul and spirit, which supposedly inhabits

    into a person at the moment of birth and leaves him at the moment of sleep and

    of death. Initially, the soul was represented as a special

    subtle body or being living in different organs. When

    religion appeared, the soul began to be understood as a kind of

    body double, like an incorporeal and immortal spiritual

    an entity associated with some kind of “other world”, where

    it dwells forever, leaving a person. On this basis there arose

    various idealistic systems of philosophy that claim

    that ideas, spirit, consciousness are primary, the beginning of everything

    existing, and nature, matter + secondary,

    derived from spirit, ideas, consciousness.

    Materialistic approach to understanding the human psyche

    century was pushed aside for many centuries by idealistic philosophy

    philosophy, which considered the human psyche as a manifestation

    his spiritual life, considering that it is not subject to the same

    laws that apply to all material nature. And what

    metamorphoses did not undergo the idea of ​​the soul, unshakable

    what remained was the conviction that she was driven

    the beginning of life. Only in the 17th century. Rene De-

    cards began a new era in the development of psychological knowledge.

    He showed that not only the work of internal organs, but also

    behavior of the organism + its interaction with other external

    their bodies + do not need a soul. Especially big

    the influence of his ideas had on the future fate of psychology

    chemical science. Descartes simultaneously introduced two concepts: re-

    flex and consciousness. But in his teaching he is sharply opposed to

    puts soul and body. He claims that there are two

    substances independent of each other + matter and spirit. By-

    This is why in the history of psychology this doctrine was called

    vdualism¬ (from Latin dualis + vdual¬). From point of view

    dualists, the psyche is not a function of the brain, it is pro-

    duct, but exists as if by itself, outside the brain, in no way

    depending on him. In philosophy, this direction received

    name for objective idealism.

    Based on dualistic teachings in psychology of the 19th century. semi-

    The idealistic theory began to become widespread as

    so-called psychophysical parallelism (i.e., asserting

    that the mental and physical exist in parallel: independent

    dependent on each other, but together). Main representatives

    this direction in psychology + Wundt, Ebbinghaus, Spencer,

    Ribot, Binet, James and many others.

    Around this time, a new idea about

    subject of psychology. Ability to think, feel, desire

    began to be called consciousness. Thus, the tssikhika was

    equated with consciousness. The psychology of the soul has been replaced by

    the so-called psychology of consciousness. However, consciousness is still long

    was understood as a phenomenon of a special kind, isolated from all

    other natural processes. Philosophers have different interpretations

    Valiated conscious life, considering it a manifestation of the divine

    of the mind or the result of subjective sensations, where they

    saw the simplest “elements” from which consciousness is built

    tion. However, all idealist philosophers had one thing in common:

    the belief that mental life + manifestation of a special

    subjective world, cognizable only through introspection and

    inaccessible either to objective scientific analysis or to

    causal explanation. This understanding has become very popular

    widespread, and the approach became known as

    introspective interpretation of consciousness. According to this tradition

    the psychic is identified with consciousness. As a result of this

    understanding, consciousness closed in on itself, which meant

    complete separation of the psyche from objective being and


    The development of psychology since its formation as a self-

    standing science in the second half of the 19th century. carried out in

    continuous struggle of successive theories that became

    set different goals for themselves and used different methods

    by ourselves research. However, almost all theories of the late 19th century. And

    part of the theories of the 20th century. were developed within the framework of introspective

    psychology of consciousness. Characteristic of these theories is

    limiting the subject of psychological research to the area

    conscious experiences of a person, considered in terms of

    separation from the surrounding reality and practical activities

    ness of people. The question of the relationship between consciousness and the brain is being resolved

    these theories mainly from the standpoint of dualism.

    Within the framework of introspective psychology, the difference between theo-

    ries came down to different characteristics of consciousness from the outside

    its structure, content and degree of activity. One of

    characteristics, as a rule, stood out as leading.

    On this basis, it is usually customary to distinguish five varieties -

    features of idealistic psychology of consciousness:

    The theory of the elements of consciousness, founders W. Wundt and

    E. Titchener, this also partially includes the Würzburg psycho-

    logical school;

    The psychology of acts of consciousness is associated with the name of Franz Bren-

    Stream of Consciousness Theory, created by William James;

    General problems of psychology

    Gestalt psychology + theory of phenomenal fields;

    Descriptive psychology of Dilthey.

    What all these theories have in common is that instead of the real

    a person actively interacting with the surrounding world,

    consciousness is put in place; the real seems to dissolve in it

    human. All activity comes down to activity


    The main feature of all these theories is that

    their characteristic descriptive approach to the psyche, and not in

    explanatory, although by this time he had already entered psychology

    experimental method. In 1879 Wundt in Leipzig was

    organized the first experimental psychological

    laboratory. In the psychology of consciousness it becomes possible

    experiment, which consists of the researcher co-

    creates certain external conditions and observes how

    processes are taking place. However, these observations are specific

    ical character, being a person’s observations of himself,

    over your own internal states, feelings,

    thoughts, receiving the name of the method of introspection (vpeek-

    inside¬). Naturally, such an observation is devoid of main

    new scientific requirement + objectivity. As a result, in

    beginning of the 20th century under the influence of requests for the development of scientific objects

    tive knowledge, on the one hand, and socio-economic

    demands, on the other hand, + a crisis of introspective


    vPsychology of consciousness¬ turned out to be powerless in the face of many

    hy practical tasks caused by the development

    capitalist mode of production, which required the development

    development of means to control the behavior of people

    catcher. This led to the fact that in the second decade of the XX

    V. a new direction in psychology has emerged," representatives

    which was announced as a new subject of psychological science

    It was not the psyche, not consciousness, but behavior,

    understood as a set of externally observable, predominantly

    significant motor reactions of a person. This is the direction

    received the name vbehaviorism (from English, behavior +

    vbehavior¬). This is already the third stage in the development of ideas

    about the subject of psychology. Founder of behaviorism

    J. Watson saw the task of psychology in the study of behavior

    a living creature that adapts to its environment

    environment*. In just one decade, behaviorism has spread

    spread throughout the world and became one of the most influential

    directions of psychological science.

    "For more information on behaviorism, see Lecture 4,

    Subject and tasks of psychology_______________9

    So, first psychology + science of the soul, then psycho-

    logic + science without a soul, and, finally, psychology + science without

    consciousness. Such an understanding of the subject of psychology would be very

    led to the next crisis. Yes, by observing the behavior

    However, we are indeed exploring objective facts, but such

    objectivity is deceptive, because behind our every action,

    behavioral act are our thoughts, our feelings, our

    desires. And it is impossible to study behavior without studying thoughts,

    feelings, motives.

    The cause of crises is in the understanding of the subject of blood psychology<

    is in those philosophical methodological positions on which*

    The above-mentioned theories were built. Thus, the psychology of consciousness re-

    asked basic questions about the relationship between being and co-

    knowledge, between objective and subjective from the standpoint of ideal

    lism. Behaviorists solved the same problems from the perspective of vul-

    garish materialism. For them the psyche had absolutely no

    differences from the material. Thus, incorrect initial philo-

    sophistic positions closed the way for psychology to define

    knowledge of its subject.

    The way out of this impasse was discovered by the philosophy of dialectical

    materialism. Dialectical materialism recognizes only one thing

    the beginning of everything that exists + matter, and the psyche, mental

    tion, consciousness - considers it as secondary, derived from

    matter, Philosophical materialism is, therefore,

    monistic teaching, materialistic monism (from

    Greek: vmonos¬ + one). It is based on scientific data and

    practice and, as they develop, refines and deepens its

    From the point of view of dialectical materialism, the primary phenomenon

    matter is poured; psyche, consciousness + this is secondary, reflection

    the brain of objective reality. In this sense, mothers

    nal (objects and phenomena of reality) and ideal (from

    their expression in the form of sensations, thoughts, etc.) are opposite

    each other. But if we keep in mind the physiological mechanism of

    expression of reality by the brain, then the distinction between the ideal and

    material has no longer an absolute, but a relative character-

    character, as sensations, thoughts, feelings, etc. + this is an activity-

    ity of the material organ + brain, the result of energy transformation

    external irritation into a fact of consciousness. Psyche, consciousness

    are inseparable from the activity of the brain and cannot exist neither

    in some other way.

    Such an understanding of matter and psyche, consciousness completely

    is consistent with the initial position of dialectical material

    lism about the materiality of the world. There is no other in the world

    beginnings, except for eternally existing matter, which has

    General problems of psychology

    various properties and is in perpetual motion. At

    this movement of matter + is not only a change of place, but also

    any change to it. This is the development of matter, the emergence of

    no new properties. According to the definition of F. Engels, movement, in

    application to matter, + this is a change in general¬ [Dialectics

    nature. M., 1955. P. 197].

    The development of matter is a transition from its lower forms to higher ones.

    sewn, from lower forms of movement of matter to higher ones. Per-

    initially there was only inorganic matter, non-

    Live nature. At a certain stage of development of matter, in

    as a result of its long, many years of evolution

    lution, organic matter arose, a new form arose

    movement of matter, its new property + life. In progress

    development of matter, plants, animals and, finally, appeared

    netz, a person with his consciousness + the highest generation

    which Russian psychology is based on, the fundamental

    the value belongs to the reflection category. It is this very

    theory reveals the most general and essential character-

    theristics of the psyche: mental phenomena are considered as

    various forms and levels of subjective reflection of the object

    tive reality. The theory of reflection in psychology is

    acts as a general methodological platform that allows

    understand the maze of facts, concepts, concepts, determine

    subject of psychological science, develop methods


    What is the qualitative specificity of the mental as

    properties of organic matter?

    All matter has the property of reflection. Being a property

    matter, the function of the brain, the psyche acts as a special form

    reflections as a prerequisite for the development of the psyche. Being

    a specific form of reflection, the psyche arose in the

    the process of development of matter, moving from its only forms of movement to

    to others. Having arisen naturally in the course of biological evolution,

    tion, the psyche has become its most important factor. Thanks to the reflection

    women are provided with wider and varied connections

    organism with the environment.

    Inner mental life does not exist without outer life,

    physical. That is, the psyche and consciousness reflect the objective

    a reality that exists outside and independently of it, this is the awareness

    natural existence. It would be pointless to talk about reflection,

    if reality didn't exist. Every mental

    sky act + this is also a piece of reality: not either

    one or the other, or both. The originality of the mental

    Subject and tasks of psychology

    this is precisely the fact that it is also real

    side of existence and its reflection.

    So, the function of the psyche is to reflect the properties and connections

    reality and in regulating behavior on this basis and

    human activity. Dialectical-materialistic approach to

    psyche shows that the psyche + is not a closed world,

    completely cut off from reality and having nothing to do with it

    What constitutes the subject of scientific knowledge in psychology?

    positions of dialectical materialism? This is first of all

    concrete facts of mental life. Consider a simple

    example. Let us take as a fact of mental life the ability

    a person’s ability to accumulate individual experience, i.e.

    memory. But scientific psychology cannot limit itself to describing

    the knowledge of a psychological fact + it must be explained,

    those. reveal the laws to which these facts, these phenomena are subject-

    are being repaired. The main goal of any science is to

    reveal the objective laws that govern the study

    the processes and phenomena it involves. It is precisely this goal that is subordinated

    theoretical and experimental research.

    Scientific knowledge consists in revealing essential, non-

    necessary, stable, repeating connections (relationships)

    between phenomena. Let's return to our example. Yes, memory

    has its own laws of operation. It is known that there is

    There are different types of memory, which, for example, repetition of ma-

    material promotes memorization, and is well structured

    unencrypted material is remembered more easily and quickly than non-encrypted material

    The task of identifying the laws of the psyche, revealing those connections and

    relations that could be qualified as

    logical, is one of the most complex in science. Strictly

    the scientific approach requires not only to identify an objective law,

    but also to outline the scope of its action, as well as the conditions in which it

    only it can act. Therefore, the subject of study in

    psychology together with psychological facts become

    psychological laws.

    But knowledge of regular connections does not in itself reveal

    specific mechanisms by which the pattern

    may appear. The task of psychology includes, along with psycho-

    logical facts and laws establish the mechanics

    mental disorders. And since the mechanisms are pre-

    believe the work of specific anatomical and physiological devices

    rats carrying out this or that psychological process, then

    psychology studies the nature and action of these mechanisms co-

    together with other sciences. For example, it is known that in

    Subject and tasks of psychology

    General problems of psychology

    the basis of long-term and short-term memory are different

    personal mechanisms.

    Thus, psychology + the science that studies facts is

    patterns and mechanisms of the psyche.

    Reflexive nature of the psyche

    Naturalists and doctors who study human anatomy

    Even in ancient times, they suggested a connection between psychic

    psychological phenomena with brain activity and considered mental

    chemical diseases as a result of disruption of its activity,

    A significant support for these views were observations of pain

    with certain brain disorders in

    as a result of injury, injury or illness. In such patients,

    As is known, there are sharp disturbances in mental de-

    activity + vision, hearing, memory, thinking and speech suffer,

    voluntary movements are impaired, etc. However, establishing

    connection between mental activity and brain activity was

    only the first step on the path of scientific research of the psyche.

    These facts do not yet explain what physiological

    mechanisms underlie mental activity.

    We have already mentioned that natural scientific development and

    substantiation of the reflex nature of all types of mental

    activity is a merit of Russian physiology, and above all

    two of its great representatives + I.M. Sechenov (1829+ - --; 1905) and

    I.P. Pavlova (1849-1936).

    In his famous work “Reflexes of the Brain” (1863)

    Sechenov extended the reflex principle to all activities

    brain and, thereby, + on the entire mental,

    human activity. He showed that all acts of conscious and

    unconscious life according to the method of its origin is |

    reflexes¬. This was the first attempt at reflexive understanding - t"

    psychics. Analyzing brain reflexes in detail

    human, Sechenov identifies three main links in them: initial;

    link + external irritation and transformation by its organs >,

    feelings in the process of nervous excitement transmitted to the brain;

    middle link + processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain and

    the emergence on this basis of mental states (sensations,

    thoughts, feelings, etc.); final link + external movements. Wherein

    Sechenov emphasized that the middle link of the reflex with its mental

    element cannot be separated from the other two links

    (external stimulation and response), which are its

    natural beginning and end. Therefore, all mental phenomena +

    this is an inseparable part of the entire reflex process, Position

    Sechenov about

    the inextricable connection of all links of the reflex is important for

    scientific understanding of mental activity. Mental

    activity cannot be considered" in isolation from any

    external influences, nor from human actions. She can't be

    only by subjective experience: if only! it was like that

    psychic phenomena would have no real life


    Consistently analyzing mental phenomena, Sechenov

    showed that they are all included in a holistic reflex act, in

    holistic response of the body to environmental influences,

    regulated by the human brain. Reflex principle

    mental activity allowed Sechenov to do the most important thing for

    scientific psychology conclusion about determinism, causality

    the conditionality of all human actions and deeds by external

    influences. He wrote: vThe original cause of everything

    action always lies in external sensory stimulation,

    because without it no thought is possible. At the same time, Sechenov

    warned against a simplified understanding of the actions of external

    conditions. He repeatedly noted that what matters here is not

    only external available influences, but also the entire totality

    previous influences experienced by a person, all of his

    past experience. Thus, I.M. Sechenov showed that

    it is unlawful to isolate the brain link of the reflex from its

    natural beginning (impact on the senses) and end

    (response movement).

    What is the role of mental processes? This is a function

    signal or regulator that brings the action into accordance with

    changing conditions. The mental is the regulator

    response activity not in itself, but as a property, function

    corresponding parts of the brain, where it flows, where it is stored and

    information about the outside world is processed. Psychic phenomena

    These are the brain's responses to external (environment) and internal

    (state of the body as a physiological system) impact.

    That is, mental phenomena + these are constant regulators

    activities that occur in response to stimuli that

    act now (sensation and perception) and were once in

    past experience (memory), generalizing these influences or

    anticipating the results to which they will lead (thinking,

    imagination). Thus, I.M. Sechenov put forward the idea

    reflex - psyche and mental regulation


    Its development and experimental justification reflex

    the principle of activity was received in the works of I.P. Pavlov and his school.

    I.P. Pavlov experimentally proved the correctness

    Subject and tasks of psychology

    General problems of psychology

    Sechenov's understanding of mental activity as a reflex

    tory activity of the brain, revealed its basic physiological

    laws, created a new field of science + higher physiology

    nervous activity, the doctrine of conditioned reflexes.

    Between stimuli affecting the body and responses

    Temporary connections are formed by the body's reactions. Their education

    is the most important function of the cerebral cortex. For any type

    mental activity as brain activity temporary nervous

    connection is a "basic physiological mechanism. Any

    a mental process cannot arise on its own, without action

    on the brain of certain stimuli. The end result of any

    mental processes and any temporary connection exist outside

    identified action as a response to this external influence.

    Mental activity is, therefore, reflective,

    reflex activity of the brain caused by exposure

    objects and phenomena of reality. All these provisions

    reveal the mechanism for reflecting objective reality. So

    Thus, the doctrine of higher nervous activity is

    natural scientific foundation of materialistic understanding

    mental phenomena.

    Recognizing the Critical Importance of Temporal Neural Connections

    as a physiological mechanism of any mental activity

    does not mean, however, the identification of mental phenomena

    laziness with physiological ones. Mental activity is characterized by

    terized not only by the physiological mechanism, but also by its

    reality. The entire set of views of I.P. Pavlov on

    patterns of brain regulation of animal interactions

    and man with the external environment is called the doctrine of two

    signaling systems. The image of the object is for the animal

    signal of some unconditioned stimulus, which leads to

    changing behavior according to the type of conditioned reflex. As we already

    They said that a conditioned reflex is caused by the fact that some

    a conditioned stimulus (for example, a light bulb) is combined with an action

    the effect of an unconditioned stimulus (food), resulting in

    in the brain there is a temporary neural connection between two

    centers (visual and food) and two activities of life

    food (visual and food) are combined.

    The lighting of the light bulb became a feeding signal, causing

    salivation. Animals are guided in their behavior

    signals that were called by I.P. Pavlov signals

    the first signal system (vfirst signals¬). All mental

    animal activity is carried out at the first level

    signaling system.

    In humans, the signals of the first signaling system also play

    important role by regulating and guiding behavior (e.g.

    traffic light). But, unlike animals, along with the first signal

    system, humans have a second signaling system.

    The signals of the second signaling system are words, i.e. vsecond

    signals¬. With the help of words the signals of the first

    signaling system. A word can cause the same actions as

    signals of the first signaling system, i.e. word + this vsignal


    So, the psyche is a property of the brain. Feeling, thought,

    consciousness is the highest product of a specially organized

    matter. The mental activity of the body is carried out

    through a variety of special bodily devices. One of them

    perceive influences, others + convert them into signals,

    make plans for behavior and control it, others + lead to

    muscle action. All this complex work ensures

    active orientation in the environment.

    Challenges of modern psychology

    Currently, there is a rapid development of psychological

    science, due to the diversity of theoretical and practical

    tasks facing her. The main task of psychology is

    study of the laws of mental activity in its development. During

    in recent decades the front has expanded significantly

    psychological research, new scientific

    directions and disciplines. The conceptual apparatus has changed

    psychological science, new hypotheses and

    concepts, psychology is enriched with new empirical

    data. B.FLomov in the book vMethodological and theoretical

    problems of psychology, characterizing the current state of science,

    notes that currently the need for

    further (and deeper) development of methodological

    problems of psychological science and its general theory (p. 4).

    The area of ​​phenomena studied by psychology is enormous. She's o-

    describes processes, states and properties of a person that have

    varying degrees of complexity + from basic differentiation of individual

    signs of an object affecting the senses before the fight

    personal motives. Some of these phenomena are already quite good

    studied, and the description of others is reduced only to a simple fixation

    observations. Many people believe, and this should be especially noted, that

    a generalized and abstract description of the phenomena being studied and their

    connections + this is already a theory. However, this theoretical work

    is not exhausted, it also includes co-

    16________________General problems of psychology_________________

    delivery and integration of accumulated knowledge, their system -

    tization and much more. Its ultimate goal is to

    reveal the essence of the phenomena being studied. In this regard, there arise

    methodological problems. If theoretical research

    relies on a fuzzy methodological (philosophical)

    position, then there is a danger of replacing the theoretical

    empirical knowledge.

    In understanding the essence of mental phenomena, the most important role is

    already mentioned book, he identified the basic categories of psychological

    sciences, showed their systemic interrelation, the universality of each of

    them and, at the same time, their irreducibility to each other. They were

    The following basic categories of psychology are identified: category

    communication, + as well as concepts that, by the level of universality

    Vbiological¬. Identification of objective connections between social and

    natural properties of man, the relationship between biological and

    social determinants in its development represents one of

    the most difficult problems of science.

    As is known, in previous decades psychology was

    essentially theoretical (worldview) discipline.

    Currently, its role in public life is significant

    has changed. It is increasingly becoming a special area

    professional practical activity in the education system

    education, in industry, government, me-

    food, culture, sports, etc. Incorporating psychological science into

    solving practical problems significantly changes the conditions

    development of her theory. Problems whose solution requires

    psychological competence arise in one way or another

    form in all spheres of society, determined by increasing

    the role of the so-called human factor. Under vhuman

    factor refers to a wide range of socio-psychological,

    psychological and psycho-physiological properties,

    which people possess and which one way or another

    manifest themselves in their specific activities.

    We will not list here all the tasks set in

    present time before psychology social practice

    (their number is huge, because wherever there are people, there are tasks,

    the solution of which involves taking into account the “human factor¬”)

    Let us dwell only briefly on the importance of psychology in understanding

    development of the child's psyche. At all levels of the folk system

    education (pre-school education, secondary, general

    educational school, secondary specialized education, higher education

    school) problems arise that are addressed to psychology. Is-

    Subject and tasks of psychology

    following almost the entire system of mental phenomena +

    from elementary sensations to mental properties of personal

    ity, + aimed at revealing objective laws, which

    they obey is of paramount importance for the co-

    building a scientific base, solving a social problem, perfect

    improving the organization of training and education.

    Society's awareness of the role of applied problems solved by psychology

    chological science, led to the idea of ​​​​creating a branched

    psychological service in public education authorities.

    Currently, such a service is at the stage of its formalization.

    thinking and development and is intended to become a link between

    science and the practical application of its results.

    k, Modern psychology and its place in the system of sciences

    From what place psychology is given in the system of sciences,

    understanding of the possibilities of using psychic

    chological data in other sciences and, conversely, understanding

    the extent to which psychology is competent to use their re-

    results. The place given to psychology in the system of sciences at that time

    or another historical period, was clearly evidenced by

    about the level of development of psychological knowledge, and about general philo-

    the sophistic orientation of the classification scheme itself. Next

    It should be noted that in the history of the spiritual development of society

    one branch of knowledge has not changed its place in the system of sciences

    often as psychology. Currently, the most commonly accepted

    The nonlinear classification proposed by academia is considered accepted.

    demician B.M. Kedrov. It reflects the versatility of the connection

    gaps between sciences, due to their subject proximity.

    The proposed scheme has the shape of a triangle, the vertices of which

    which are represented by the natural, social and philo-

    Sofian This situation is due to real closeness

    subject and method of each of these main groups of sciences with pre-

    method and method of psychology, oriented depending on

    from the task at hand towards one of the vertices of the triangle

    The most important function of psychology in the general system of scientific

    knowledge is that it, synthesizing in a certain

    carrying achievements in a number of other areas of scientific knowledge,

    is, in the words of B.F. Lomov, an integrator of all (or. in

    at least most) scientific disciplines, the object

    research of which is a person. Famous domestic

    venous psychologist B.G. Ananyev most fully developed the question

    showing that psychology is called upon to inuirir^td dan-r-g |f

    knowledge about man at the specific scientific level

    General problems of psychology

    Subject and tasks of psychology

    Let us dwell in more detail on the description of the substantive characteristics

    teristics of the connection between psychology and the named triangle of sciences.

    The main task of psychology is to study the laws of psychology

    chemical activity in its development. These laws reveal

    how the objective world is reflected in the human brain, how due to

    this is how his actions are regulated, mental activity develops

    activity and the formation of mental properties of the individual. Psi-

    hika, as is known, is a reflection of objective reality

    ity, and therefore the study of psychological laws means

    first of all, establishing the dependence of mental phenomena on

    objective conditions of human life and activity.

    At the same time, any activity of people is always natural

    depends not only on the objective conditions of human life, but also

    from their correlation with subjective aspects. Mother-

    alististic psychology provides a valid scientific substantiation

    the interaction of subjective and objective conditions,

    based on the fact that the material basis of all mental

    phenomena, no matter how complex they are, systems serve

    temporary connections in the cerebral cortex. Thanks to education

    the development and functioning of these connections, mental phenomena

    can influence human activity + regulate and

    guide his actions, influence the person’s reflection of the

    active reality.

    Thus, establishing the natural dependencies of psi-

    chemical phenomena from objective conditions of life and activity

    of a person, psychology must also reveal the physiological

    mechanisms for reflecting these impacts. Therefore, psi-

    chology must maintain the closest connection with physiology, and

    in particular, with the physiology of higher nervous activity.

    Physiology, as we know, deals with the mechanisms

    performing certain functions of the body, and physical

    logic of higher nervous activity + mechanisms of work

    nervous system, providing “balancing” of the organ-

    low with the environment. It is easy to see that knowledge of the role that

    In this process, different stages of the nervous system play a role,

    laws of nervous tissue functioning that underlie excitation and

    inhibition, and those complex nerve formations, thanks to

    through which analysis and synthesis take place, nerve connections are closed,

    It is absolutely necessary for a psychologist who has studied

    the main types of human mental activity, not og-

    limited himself to their simple description, but imagined what

    mechanisms rely on these most complex forms of activity,

    what devices are used to carry them out, in what systems are they used?

    are flowing. But to master the basics of psychological science, knowledge

    physiology is completely insufficient.

    The way to transform psychology into an independent science is

    there was its union with all natural science, the beginning of which was

    laid down in the second half of the 19th century. This also includes

    introduction of the experimental method into psychology (G. Fekh-

    ner). As already mentioned, the natural scientific theory of psycho-

    logical knowledge was compiled by the reflex theory (I.M. Sechenov,

    I.P. Pavlov, as well as the works of major Soviet physiologists:

    L.A.Orbeli, P.Kanokhin, K.M.Bykov, N.I.Krasnogorsky,

    A.A.Ukhtomsky, N.A.Bernstein, I.S.Beritashvili). Huge

    influence on the development of the main problems of modern

    psychology was influenced by the evolutionary ideas of Charles Darwin. They

    made it possible to identify the role of the psyche in the adaptation of living creatures

    societies to changing environmental conditions, understand the origin

    higher forms of mental activity from lower ones.

    The psychologist must clearly understand the differences

    in the existence of plants and animals. It is necessary to clearly

    to pose what exactly changes in living conditions with the transition from

    the existence of unicellular organisms in a homogeneous introductory environment to

    incomparably more complex forms of multicellular life,

    especially in conditions of terrestrial existence, I present

    There are immeasurably greater requirements for active orientation in

    environmental conditions. The differences in principles must be well understood

    existence between the world of insects and higher

    bells Without such knowledge of general biological principles

    adaptations it is impossible to clearly understand especially

    aspects of animal behavior, and any attempt to understand complex

    forms of human mental activity will lose their bio-

    logical basis. At the same time, we must always remember that the facts

    constituting the subject of psychological science, in no way

    cannot be reduced to facts of biology.

    Of decisive importance for psychology is its connection with social

    natural sciences. Research of processes and phenomena, studying

    studied by history, economics, ethnography, sociology, research

    art history, legal and other social sciences

    sciences, leads to the formulation of problems that are essentially psychological

    gical. Often social processes and phenomena cannot

    be sufficiently fully disclosed without involving knowledge about the me-

    mechanisms of individual and group behavior of people,

    patterns of formation of behavioral stereotypes, habits,

    social attitudes and orientation, without studying moods,

    feelings, psychological climate, without psychological research

    chological properties and personality characteristics, its abilities

    ties, motives, character, interpersonal relationships, etc. Co-

    To put it simply: in the study of social processes there arises

    the need to take into account psychological factors. Psychologists-

    General problems of psychology

    economic factors in themselves do not determine social pro-

    processes, and, on the contrary, they themselves can only be understood

    basis of the analysis of these processes. Basic forms of mental

    human activities arise in conditions of social

    theories take place in the conditions of the subject matter that has developed in history

    activities are based on the means that have formed

    were developed in working conditions, the use of tools and language.

    What has been said makes clear the enormous importance for psy-

    chology has its connection with the social sciences. If you decide

    a significant role in shaping animal behavior is played by bio-

    logical conditions of existence, then the same role in the formation

    conditions of social study play a role in human behavior

    torii. Modern psychological science, which previously studied

    all specifically human forms of mental activity

    activity, cannot take a single step without taking into account the data,

    obtained from social sciences + historical material-

    lism, summarizing the basic laws of social development. Only

    careful consideration of the social conditions that shape the psychological

    chemical human activity, allows psychology to gain

    solid scientific basis.

    And we should especially dwell on the connection between psychology and pedagogy.

    geeky. Of course, this connection has always existed, even back to KD.Ushin-

    skiy said: vIn order to comprehensively educate a person, he must

    study thoroughly. Here one can see especially clearly the practice

    tical significance of psychology. In the event that pedagogy

    does not rely on knowledge about the nature of psychological phenomena,

    it turns into a simple set of pedagogical tips and

    recipes and ceases to be a genuine science capable of

    be able to the teacher. In the development of all areas of pedagogy (general technology)

    ory, didactics, private methods, educational theory) the emergence

    There are problems that require psychological research.

    Knowledge of the patterns of mental processes,

    dynamics, formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, nature

    abilities and motives, mental development of a person as a whole

    are essential for solving fundamental

    pedagogical problems, such as determining the content

    education at different levels of education, development of the most

    effective methods of training and education, etc.

    Currently, a lot of problems have accumulated that

    cause heated discussions on the questions: what to teach modern

    new schoolboy? what and how to select from the huge mass

    information that science accumulates for school?

    It is psychology that must determine what the possibilities are

    and reserves of human mental development at different ages

    growth steps and where their boundaries are.

    Subject and tasks of psychology

    No less urgently is the need for psychology revealed

    when pedagogy turns to the problems of education. Purpose

    education is the formation of a personality appropriate

    requirements of a developing society. And achieving this goal

    involves studying the patterns of personal formation

    personality: its orientation, abilities, needs, world-

    views, etc. All of the above indicates that

    modern psychology is at the intersection of sciences. She takes

    intermediate position between the philosophical sciences, with

    on the one hand, natural, on the other, and social, on the other hand

    But it must be remembered that in all your relations with others

    sciences, psychology retains its subject, its theoretical

    Chinese principles and their methods of researching this subject.

    Psychology as a special branch of knowledge unites a whole

    a number of special disciplines, the connections between which are far from

    always lie on the surface (for example, psychophysiology and co-

    social psychology). But, despite its sometimes apparent

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    Evgeniy Ivanovich Rogov

    Human psychology


    Methodological manuals in the “ABC of Psychology” series were developed and tested as part of the “Don Psychological School” experiment. The idea of ​​the experiment arose after studying and analyzing the needs and capabilities of schoolchildren. Our experience shows that curricula can be significantly updated by introducing disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle. While maintaining the basic component of the state curriculum for the purpose of ensuring general education, additional and elective classes are provided for students, as well as work according to individual plans. A significant amount of the integrated course requires allocation of 3 hours in the 10th grade and 4 hours in the 11th grade. Time for studying psychology is allocated within the framework of the basic curriculum through its variable part and electives included in the schedule of compulsory classes. The variable part of the curriculum is used with the following weekly schedule:


    The full course involves studying the following disciplines:

    1st-4th grades – “The ABCs of Psychology”;

    5th grade – “Human cognitive activity”;

    6th grade – “Basics of self-regulation”;

    7th grade – “Psychology of communication”;

    8th grade – “Ethics and psychology of family life”;

    9th grade – “Basics of career guidance and choice of profession”;

    10th grade – “Personality Psychology”;

    11th grade – “Fundamentals of social psychology.”

    The specifics of psychological disciplines and the number of hours allocated to them require an increase in the total number of lessons per week compared to the current curriculum. However, the use of advanced technologies and intensification of the learning process can reduce lesson time by 5 minutes. Since the practical part of psychology classes is aimed at reducing stress and fatigue, increasing the number of lessons should not affect the health of children.

    In the content of continuous psychological training of students, 3 leading levels are clearly visible: introductory (grades 1-6), adaptation (grades 7-9) and basic (grades 10-11). This makes it possible to abandon special training, a kind of training of children for a specific profession, and instead provide schoolchildren with the opportunity to choose from a wide range of “person-to-person” professions. In addition, a real basis is created for the formation of the best human qualities in students, the development of organizational and communication abilities, which is necessary for any civilized person.

    The training program in a specialized psychological class at the 2nd level of complexity involves a two-year cycle, which allows students to purposefully prepare students for the activities of assistant psychologists, followed by passing a qualifying exam and receiving a certificate.

    The entry of high school students into various types of work as a psychologist includes both general pedagogical actions characteristic of all relevant professions, and specific ones that require special knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities.

    In specialized psychological classes, active teaching methods are used: training, role-playing and business games. The curriculum includes educational excursions to the city psychological center, social protection centers, meetings with university psychology teachers and psychologists.

    When characterizing the prospects for psychological education in school, it is necessary to emphasize the possibility of psychologizing the content of the entire educational process. We are talking, for example, about the fact that psychology (its influence will certainly grow) should “work” not only in its traditionally close literature, biology, but also in music or painting. Thus, psychology can act as an important integrating factor, and for educational areas that are very distant from each other.

    A counter movement also seems promising—the inclusion of elements of educational material from other subject and educational areas, such as history, into the psychological content. In this sense, we can talk not only about the psychologization of, say, the humanities, but also about the expanded humanitarization of psychological disciplines.

    The process of psychologization can be accelerated with the help of an appropriate organization of psychological practice, within which it is necessary to provide individual tasks for those who are more interested in computer diagnostics (“person-to-technology”) or counseling (“person-to-person”), the study of an individual or a group etc. It is more expedient and pedagogically justified to give students the right to independently choose from this set those disciplines that they need to master.

    The entire amount of time allocated to psychology should not exceed 30% of the total number of hours provided for by the curriculum.

    Thus, the model we propose for the psychological preparation of a developing personality can be built both on the principle of hierarchical subordination of disciplines and on the basis of the transition from the general to the specific. It should be noted that the books in the “ABC of Psychology” series can be used by psychologists in educational institutions not only as a set, but also individually, taking into account the age capabilities of schoolchildren.


    Adult dictionary

    Act – form of manifestation of the subject's activity.

    Psychological protection – a special regulatory system of personality stabilization, aimed at eliminating or minimizing the feeling of anxiety associated with awareness of the conflict.

    Individuality – a person characterized by his socially significant differences from other people.

    Introspection – a method of understanding mental phenomena through introspection, i.e., a person’s careful study of what is happening in his mind when solving various kinds of problems.

    Cognitive Psychology – one of the modern areas of research in psychology, which explains human behavior based on knowledge and studies the process and dynamics of its formation.

    Personality – the individual as a subject of social relations and conscious activity.

    Personal meaning - subjective attitude of the individual to objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.

    Worldview – a system of views on the objective world and man’s place in it, on man’s relationship to the reality around him and to himself.

    Psycholinguistics – a field of science bordering between psychology and linguistics that deals with the study of human speech, its occurrence and functioning.

    Personal self-determination – the conscious act of identifying and asserting one's own position in problematic situations.

    Self-esteem - a person’s assessment of himself, his capabilities, qualities and place among other people.

    Status – a person's position in a group that determines his rights and responsibilities.

    Structure – a set of stable connections between many components of an object, ensuring its integrity and identity to itself.

    Subject – an individual or a group of people as a source of knowledge and transformation of reality.

    Test – a system of tasks that allows you to measure the level of development of a certain psychological quality of an individual.

    Personality Traits – stable characteristics of an individual’s behavior that are repeated in various situations.

    General concept of personality

    What does the word "personality" mean? What meaning do we put into it? This word has its own history. Originally the Latin word "persona" (personality) meant a mask worn by an actor. The word “mask” had the same meaning among buffoons. In ancient Rome, personae were citizens responsible before the law. An academic dictionary of 1847 said that personality is, “firstly, the relation of one person to another, no personality should be tolerated in the service; secondly, a caustic comment on someone’s account, an insult. Personalities should not be used."

    In accordance with the second interpretation, A.S. Pushkin used the word “personality”:


    Other swearing, of course, is indecency,

    You can’t write: so-and-so is an old man,

    Goat with glasses, ugly slanderer,

    Both angry and mean: all this will be a personality.

    A.N. Radishchev used this word in a slightly different meaning: “Do you know what your peculiarity, your personality, what you are depends on?”

    In modern science, the concept of “personality” is one of the most important categories. It is not purely psychological and is studied by history, philosophy, economics, pedagogy and other sciences. In this regard, the question arises about the peculiarities of the approach to personality in psychology.

    The most important task of psychological science is to discover those psychological properties that characterize the individual and personality. A person is already born into the world as a human being. The structure of the body of a newborn baby allows him to master upright posture in the future, the structure of the brain allows him to develop intelligence, the structure of the hand provides the prospect of using tools, etc. With all these capabilities, a baby differs from a young animal. This confirms the fact that the baby belongs to the human race. This relationship is fixed in the concept of “individual” - in contrast to a baby animal, which is called an individual from birth to the end of its life.

    The concept of “individual” expresses a person’s gender identity, i.e. any person is an individual. But, being born as an individual, a person acquires a special social quality, he becomes a personality. The philosophical definition of personality was given by K. Marx. He defined the essence of man as a set of social relations. It is possible to understand what a person is only through the study of real social connections and relationships into which a person enters. The social nature of the individual always has a specific historical content.

    It is from the specific socio-historical relations of a person that it is necessary to derive not only the general conditions of development, but also the historically specific essence of the individual. The specificity of social conditions of life and a person’s way of activity determines the characteristics of his individual qualities and properties. Personal characteristics are also not given to a person from birth. All people adopt certain mental traits, attitudes, customs and feelings in the society in which they live. Sometimes a person is understood as a closed, spiritual entity independent of the world, inaccessible to scientific research methods. However, personality cannot be reduced only to a set of arbitrarily selected internal mental properties and qualities, and cannot be isolated from objective conditions, connections and relationships with the outside world.

    Along with the concept of “personality,” the concept of “individuality” is often used. What is human individuality? The personality of each person is endowed only with his own inherent combination of traits and characteristics that form his individuality. Thus, individuality is a combination of a person’s psychological characteristics that determine his uniqueness, originality, and difference from other people. Individuality is manifested in certain character traits, temperament, habits, prevailing interests, in the qualities of cognitive processes, in abilities, in an individual style of activity. Just as the concepts of “individual” and “personality” are not identical, personality and individuality, in turn, form unity, but not identity. If personality traits are not represented in the system of interpersonal relationships, they turn out to be insignificant for personality assessment and do not receive conditions for development. Therefore, a person’s individual characteristics do not manifest themselves in any way until they become necessary in the system of interpersonal relationships. So, individuality is only one aspect of a person’s personality.

    The relationship between biological and social in personality

    The fact that the concepts of “personality” and “individuality” do not coincide does not allow us to imagine the structure of personality only in the form of some set of properties and qualities of a person. Indeed, if a person always acts as the subject of his relationships with people around him, his structure should also include these relationships and connections that develop in activity and communication. The structure of a person's personality is broader than the structure of his individuality. Therefore, data obtained from personality research cannot be directly transferred to personality characteristics.

    The central place in psychological science is the problem of the relationship in the development of the individual biological and social. In the history of science, almost all possible relationships between the concepts of “mental”, “social” and “biological” have been considered. Mental development was interpreted in different ways: either as a completely spontaneous process, independent of either biological development or social development; then as a process derived either from biological development or from social; either as a result of parallel action on an individual by biological and social factors or as a product of their interaction.

    Let's look at these theories in a little more detail.

    So, according to the concepts spontaneous mental development Personal development is completely determined by its internal laws. The question of the biological and social simply does not exist for these concepts: the human body here, at best, is assigned the role of a kind of “container” of mental activity, something external in relation to the latter.

    In concepts that are based on laws of biology, mental development is considered as a linear function of the organism, as something that unambiguously follows this development. Here they try to derive all the features of mental processes, states and properties of a person from biological laws. In this case, laws discovered in the study of animals are often used, which do not take into account the specifics of the development of the human body. Often in these concepts, to explain mental development, the basic biogenetic law is used - the law of recapitulation. According to this law, the development of an individual repeats in its main features the evolution of the species to which it belongs. Scientists who adhere to this direction are trying to find in the mental development of an individual a repetition of the stages of the evolutionary process as a whole, or at least the main stages of the development of the species.

    Similar ideas are found in sociological concepts mental development of the individual. Only here it appears a little differently. It is argued that the mental development of an individual in a summary form reproduces the main stages of the process of historical development of society, primarily the development of its spiritual life and culture.

    Of course, if you wish, you can see some external similarities here. However, it does not provide grounds for concluding that the principle of recapitulation is valid in relation to human mental development. Such concepts are a typical case of unlawful expansion of the scope of biogenetic law.

    The content of such concepts is expressed most clearly in the works of V. Stern. He believes that the principle of recapitulation should cover both the evolution of the animal psyche and the history of the spiritual development of society. To illustrate, here is one quote: “The human individual in the first months of infancy, with a predominance of lower feelings, with an unreflective reflexive and impulsive existence, is in the stage of a mammal; in the second half of the year, having developed the activity of grasping and versatile imitation, he reaches the development of a higher mammal - ape and in the second year, having mastered vertical gait and speech - the elementary human condition. In the first five years of play and fairy tales, he stands on the level of primitive peoples. This is followed by entry into school, a more intense integration into a social whole with certain responsibilities - an ontogenetic parallel to the entry of a person into its state and economic organizations. In the first school years, the simple content of the ancient and Old Testament world is most adequate to the child’s spirit; the middle years bear the features of fanaticism of Christian culture, and only in the period of maturity is spiritual differentiation achieved, corresponding to the state of culture of modern times.” Despite the complexity of this passage, the stages that a person goes through from the moment of birth are quite clear:

    – lower mammals;

    – higher mammals;

    - primitive;

    – the birth of statehood;

    – ancient world;

    – Christian culture;

    - modern culture.

    Of course, one can discern some similarities and repetitions in the development of the individual and in the history of society. However, they do not allow us to reveal the essence of human mental development. When making such analogies, one cannot fail to take into account the system of training and education, which develops historically in every society and has its own characteristics in each socio-historical formation. The laws of development of society and the laws of development of the individual in society are different laws. The connection between them is much more complex than it seems from the standpoint of the law of recapitulation.

    Each generation of people finds society at a certain stage of its development and is included in the system of social relations that exists. He does not need to repeat in any condensed form the entire previous history of mankind. In addition, by being included in the system of established social relations, each individual acquires and assimilates in this system certain rights and responsibilities, a social position, which are not similar to the functions and positions of other people. The cultural development of an individual begins with mastering the culture of that time and the community to which he belongs. The entire development of an individual is subject to a special order of laws.

    At the same time, it is obvious that a person is born as a biological being. His body is a human body, and his brain is a human brain. In this case, the individual is born biologically, and even more so socially, immature and helpless. The maturation and development of the human body from the very beginning takes place in social conditions, which inevitably leave a strong imprint on these processes. The laws of maturation and development of the human body manifest themselves in a specific way, not like in animals. The task of psychology is to reveal the laws of biological development of the human individual and the features of their action in the conditions of his life in society. For psychology it is especially important to find out the relationship of these laws with the laws of mental development of the individual.The biological development of an individual is the basis, the initial prerequisite for his mental development. But these prerequisites are realized in a certain society, in the social actions of the individual. The development of an individual does not begin from scratch, not from scratch. The old idea about its original basis as a “tabula raza” (a blank sheet on which life writes its letters) is not confirmed by science. A person is born with a certain set of biological properties and physiological mechanisms, which act as such a basis. The entire fixed system of properties and mechanisms is the general initial prerequisite for the further development of the individual, ensuring his universal readiness for development, including mental development.

    It would be too simple to imagine that biological properties and mechanisms perform certain functions only at the initial stage of mental development, and then disappear. The development of an organism is a constant process, and these properties and mechanisms always play the role of a general prerequisite for mental development. Thus, the biological determinant operates throughout the life of an individual, although in different ways at different periods.

    Psychology has now accumulated a lot of data that reveals the characteristics of sensations, perception, memory, thinking and other processes during different periods of human development. Scientists have proven that mental processes develop only in human activity and in the course of his communication with other people. In order to identify the laws governing human mental development, it is necessary to know how the biological support of developing mental processes changes. Without studying the biological development of the organism, it is difficult to understand the actual laws of the psyche. We are talking about the development of that highly organized matter, the property of which is the psyche. It is clear, of course, that the brain as the basis of the psyche does not develop on its own, but in the real life of a person. The most important aspects of development are the mastery of historically established methods of activity and methods of communication, the development of knowledge and skills, etc.

    The prominent Russian psychologist B.F. Lomov devoted a lot of work to solving the problem of the relationship between the social and biological in personality. His views boil down to the following main points. When studying the development of an individual, psychology is not limited to the analysis of individual mental functions and states. First of all, she is interested in the formation and development of a person’s personality. In this regard, the problem of the relationship between the biological and the social appears primarily as a problem of the organism and the individual. The first of these concepts - “organism” - was formed in the context of biological sciences, the second concept, “personality”, is social. However, both of them treat the individual as a representative of the species “homo sapiens” and as a member of society. At the same time, each of these concepts captures different human properties. In the concept of “organism” - the structure of the human body as a biological system, in the concept of “personality” - the inclusion of a person in the life of society. As noted above, Russian psychology considers personality as a social quality of an individual. This quality does not exist outside of society. A person who lives and develops outside human society cannot be said to be an individual. Therefore, the concept of “personality” cannot be revealed outside of the “individual-society” relationship. The basis for the formation of an individual’s personal properties is the system of social relations in which he lives and develops.

    In a broader sense, the formation and development of a personality can be considered as its assimilation of social programs that have developed in a given society at a given historical stage. It should be emphasized that this process is directed by society with the help of special systems, primarily upbringing and education systems.

    From all of the above we can conclude: The development of an individual is complex, systemic and highly dynamic. It necessarily includes both social and biological determinants. Attempts to present a personality as the sum of two parallel or interconnected series are a very gross simplification that distorts the essence of the matter. Regarding the connections between the biological and the mental, it is hardly advisable to try to formulate some universal principle that is valid for all cases. These connections are multifaceted and multifaceted. Under some circumstances, the biological acts in relation to the mental as its mechanism, under others – as its prerequisite. Under some conditions, the content of mental reflection plays a role, under some conditions it plays the role of a factor influencing mental development, or the cause of individual acts of behavior. The biological can also be a condition for the emergence of mental phenomena, etc.

    The connections between the mental and the social are even more diverse and multifaceted. This makes it very difficult to study the triadic structure of biological-mental-social. The relationship between the social and the biological in the human psyche is multidimensional and multi-level. It is determined by the specific circumstances of the mental development of the individual and develops differently at different stages of this process.

    Let us now return to the question of the psychological essence of personality. To characterize what a personality is precisely in its meaningful psychological terms has turned out to be a difficult task for science. The solution to this issue has its own history.


    A. O. Prokhorov, Doctor of Psychology (Kazan State Pedagogical University);

    A. D. Alferov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Rostov State Pedagogical University)

    The textbook provides a system of diagnostic and correctional techniques that have become “classical” in the educational field and are used by most domestic school psychologists when working with children and adolescents.

    The manual is intended for psychologists, social educators, psychiatrists and those interested in their activities.


    Social activity, morality, and the realization of individual abilities are the main tasks of education, the success of which largely depends on the direction and pace of reforms in school life. One of the problems facing teachers is the psychological and pedagogical dualism in relation to the developing personality - training and education are not always based on knowledge about the psychology of the child’s development and the formation of his personality.

    Each schoolchild has only his own characteristics of cognitive activity, emotional life, will, character, each requires an individual approach, which the teacher, for various reasons, cannot always implement. Even specially developed psychological recommendations turn out to be ineffective due to existing professional barriers and the low quality of professional psychological training of teachers. The result of this situation was the certification of schools and teachers without taking into account the psychological characteristics of schoolchildren and the level of their mental development.

    However, practical educational psychology, despite everything, continues to develop. Psychological services are emerging in various institutions that are optimistically tackling the most difficult problems.

    The work of a psychologist at school allows you to delve more thoroughly into school life and contribute as much as possible to the development of the growing personality. However, this process is not going smoothly. Not all schools were able to employ a psychologist on their staff due to economic reasons. Many problems have also accumulated in the structures designed to eliminate “psychological gaps” in schools. Thus, numerous faculties and accelerated courses for the training and retraining of child psychologists, while providing only general theoretical information, do not shape the psychological thinking of former teachers. Therefore, in practical activities, child psychologists, having mastered abstractly generalized concepts and methods, experience great difficulties when applying them in a real institution, in an established team, in relation to a specific individual.

    Rogov, Evgeniy Ivanovich

    Rogov Evgeniy Ivanovich

    Department of Organizational and Applied Educational Psychology

    Scientific degree: Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

    Position: professor

    1. Education

    1979 – graduated from Rostov State University, majoring in psychology, teacher of psychology.

    1986 – graduated from the graduate school of the Research Institute of General and Pedagogical Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (Moscow) with the defense of a thesis for a candidate of psychological sciences in the specialty 19.00.07 developmental and educational psychology.

    1999 – defense of the dissertation of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences “Personal and professional development of a teacher in teaching” in specialty 13.00.08 “Theory and methodology of vocational education.”

    2. Advanced training (over the last three years)

    2.1. 2018, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "North Caucasus Federal University", training in the program "Use of electronic information and educational environment and information and communication technologies in the educational process", 72 hours

    2.2. 2018, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "North Caucasus Federal University", training in the program "Providing first aid". 72 hours

    2.3. 2018, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Southern Federal University”, training in the program “Online learning technologies in teaching activities”, 72 hours

    2.4. 2017, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Southern Federal University", training in the program "Organizational and managerial foundations of inclusive vocational education", 72 hours;

    2.5. 2016, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Chechen State Pedagogical University", training in the program "Activities of a university teacher in the context of modernization of teacher education";

    2.6. 2015, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University", training in the program "Program for advanced training of teaching staff and personnel of educational and methodological services for the design and implementation of basic professional educational master's programs in the enlarged group of specialties "Education and Pedagogy" (direction preparation of Psychological and Pedagogical Education), involving an increase in research work and practice of students in network interaction with educational organizations at various levels", 72 hours.

    3. Area of ​​scientific interests: Professional development and professional deformations of personality; Development of professional ideas in the process of professionalization of the subject; Studying psychology at school.

    4. Disciplines taught: “Psychology of professional development of personality”; “Motivation in management activities”; “Scientific research in professional activities of psychological and pedagogical directions”; "Social psychology in education."

    5. Publications:

    Total publications on elibrary – 141, citations 4856

    H-index according to RSCI - 10 (according to the core of RSCI-1)

    Scientific publications over the past 5 years:

    IN magazines Web of Science And Scopus

    2. Rogov E.I., Rogova E.E. Professional ideas as factor of attitude towards performed activity // . 2015, Pages 233-242

    In journals included in the current list of the Higher Attestation Commission

    1. Gabardasheva Z.I., Rogov E.I. FEATURES OF A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE LEVEL OF PERSONAL PROFESSIONALISM IN REPRESENTATIVES OF HUMANITARIAN PROFESSIONS // News of the Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences. 2017. No. 4. P. 81-90.

    2. Rogov E.I. PROBLEMS OF PROFESSIONALIZATION OF STUDENTS' SELF-AWARENESS AT UNIVERSITY // News of the Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences. 2017. No. 8. pp. 59-66.

    3. Rogov E.I. FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-AWARENESS AT UNIVERSITY: CONTENT AND EVALUATION // News of Saratov University. New episode. Acmeology of education. Developmental psychology. 2017. T. 6. No. 4. P. 307-311.



    6. Rogov E.I., Moiseenko O.S. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL ORIENTATION OF FUTURE TEACHERS WITH THEIR PERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE PROFESSION//News of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University. 2016. No. 8 (112). pp. 69-76.


    8. Rogov E.I., Moiseenko O.S. PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF NETWORK INTERACTION OF EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS DURING THE CREATION OF A DISTRICT CLUSTER // News of the Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences. 2016. No. 6. P. 71-77.

    9. Rogov E.I. SELF-EFFICACY AS A FACTOR OF PROFESSIONALIZATION OF HUMANITIES STUDENTS // News of the Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences. 2016. No. 8. pp. 71-78.





    14. Rogov E.I., Zheldochenko L.D. THE ROLE OF PROFESSIONAL REPRESENTATIONS IN THE FORMATION OF THE TRAJECTORY OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT // News of the Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences. 2015. No. 12. P. 107-112. eleven

    15. Rogov E.I. CONCEPTUAL APPROACH TO SYSTEMATIZATION OF PROFESSIONAL DEFORMATIONS // News of the Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences. 2015. No. 2. P. 48-54.

    16. Rogov E.I., Simonchik T.V. FEATURES OF PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES OF ADDICTED TEENS IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF DIFFERENT TYPES // News of the Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences. 2015. No. 8. P. 101-109.

    17. Rogov E.I., Zholudeva S.V., Antonova A.O. FEATURES OF PROFESSIONAL PERCEPTIONS AND PERCEPTIONS OF SUCCESS IN TECHNICAL STUDENTS // Engineering Bulletin of the Don. 2015. No. 3 (37). P. 190. 1

    18. Rogov E.I. FEATURES OF PERCEPTIONS ABOUT ACTIVITY IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE SUBJECT // News of the Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences. 2014. No. 10. P. 39-51.

    19. Rogov E.I. PROFESSIONALS AND AMATEURS: PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF FUNCTIONING // News of the Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences. 2014. No. 2. P. 28-36.

    20. Rogov E.I., Simchenko A.N. THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL PERCEPTIONS ABOUT ACTIVITY ON THE FEATURES OF ITS IMPLEMENTATION // News of the Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences. 2013. No. 2. P. 059-066.

    1. Rogov E.I., Zaplatnikova M.B. THE ROLE OF PATIENTS’ PERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE TREATMENT ACTIVITY IN THE FORMATION OF RELATIONSHIPS TO THE DOCTOR AND THE DISEASE // News of the Southern Federal University. Pedagogical sciences. 2013. No. 9. P. 097-108.


    1. Rogov E.I. and others. Phenomenology and typology of professional interaction of a teacher. - Rostov-on-Don: RGPI, 1990.
    2. Rogov E.I. and others. Pedagogical interaction: psychological aspect. - M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, 1990.
    3. Rogov E.I. and others. Rating as an indicator of professional development of a teacher. - Rostov-on-Don: RGPI, 1991.
    4. Rogov E.I. Professional activities of the children's psychological center. - Mines: Printer, 1993.
    5. Rogov E.I. Personality in teaching activities. - Rostov n/d: RGPU, 1994.
    6. Rogov E.I. Teacher's personality: theory and practice. - Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 1996.
    7. Rogov E.I. The teacher as an object of psychological research. - M.: "Vlados", 1998.
    8. Rogov E.I. and others. Reasons for the spread and ways to prevent drug addiction. - Rostov-on-Don: RGPU, 2001.
    9. Rogov E.I. Don psychological school: theory and reality. - Rostov-on-Don: RGPU, 2002.
    10. Rogov E.I. and others. Personality formation in the development environment of an innovative school. - Pyatigorsk: PSLU, 2006.
    11. Rogov E.I. and others. Professional ideas: theory and reality. / Edited by E.I. Rogova. - Rostov-on-Don: IPO PI SFU, 2008.
    12. Rogov E.I. and others. Modern paradigm for the study of professional ideas. /Under the editorship of E.I. Rogov. - Rostov-on-Don: Foundation for the Development of Science and Education, 2014.
    13. Rogov E.I. and others. Modern trends in the development of labor psychology and organizational psychology. / Edited by L.G. Dika - M.: Publishing House "Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences", 2015.
    14. Rogov E.I. and others. Professional deformations in teaching activities. - Rostov-on-Don; KIBI MEDIA CENTER SFedU, 2015.
    15. Rogov E.I. Psychology of the formation of professionalism. - Rostov-on-Don; KIBI MEDIA CENTER SFedU, 2015.

    6. Scientific, pedagogical and organizational and managerial activities

    • Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Rostov State Pedagogical University (1994-2002);
    • Head of the Department of Social Psychology, Russian State Pedagogical University (2000-2006);
    • Head of the Department of Organizational and Applied Psychology at Southern Federal University (2006-2015);
    • director of master's programs: “Organizational psychology in education”, “Professional coach: coaching in education”:
    • currently heads the REC “ISTOK” “Research of modern technologies in education and careers”, where, in addition to conducting scientific research, additional vocational training programs are being implemented intended for managers, psychologists, specialists of educational institutions of various types and types:
    • "Basics HR - psychology"(professional retraining program of 520 hours);
    • « Theoretical foundations of organizational psychology"(advanced training program of 144 hours);
    • « Application Basics HR - psychology"(advanced training program of 180 hours)
    • « Cases HR - manager"(advanced training program of 196 hours)
    • "Employment Psychology"(additional education program of 32 hours)

    7. Scientific activities within the framework of received grants:

    7.1. 2014 - 2015 FCPRO (templan) project “Modern competency-based paradigm for the study of professional ideas, communicative abilities of the individual as a means of advanced training in socially oriented professions within various linguistic cultures.”

    7.2. 2012-2013 Federal Center for Professional Education (templan) project “Comprehensive study of professional ideas as a means of increasing competence in socially oriented professions”;

    7.3. 2008-2011 FCPRO (templan) project “Dynamics of professional ideas during the period of social transformations”;

    7.4. 2007-2008 main competition of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, the project “Dynamics of ideas about the object of activity in professional genesis”;
